This book is
for you if:


You want to be part of the solution

rather than the problem!


You are tired from a zillion initiatives,

taskforces & projects that aimed to reduce cost, enhance billing and add policy frameworks in isolation without connecting it to better outcomes for patients & the system?


You are curious to learn

about “Where the heck does all the money go?” in our multi-billion health care budgets. Yet, you are short of affording progress and new therapies?



you want to learn how to dance in a patient-centered mode, without fixed rules, but with collaborative principles?

German translation now available


Contact us for a keynote lecture by the author in *German *English *French at your upcoming event


What is certain, and what this book beautifully carves out, is that finger-pointing and singling out villains is no solution.

Philippe von Holle, Foreword ‘It Takes Five to Tango’




How it’s organized –
What you can expect


It is all about the WHY and WHAT’s broken. It is about understanding the facts and understanding WHO is dancing.


This is where the fun part starts! It is about applying the toolbox that will move the needle on health care: applying value-based health care; acquiring digital literacy; and acquiring the skills with a multi-party playbook that allows you and us to effectively dance a Tango For Five!

We need to tango

In a ‘Tango for Five’ Dr. Voelter offers some highly original out-of-the-box thinking: She hits upon two fundamental reframes that are critical in moving us toward. First – the notion that it requires us to include multiple perspectives and look through the professional and business lens, including the patient lens.  Second – the notion that we need to reframe the relationships amongst these stakeholders, shifting from a largely competitive, isolating stance to a more collaborative, co-creative dance.  I love the adoption of the synergistic metaphor of the Tango that Verena introduces us to in her book. We – all of the various stakeholders in health care – need to join in this new dance and contribute to a whole that is far greater – not far lesser – than the sum of its parts. We need to Tango.


Zeev Neuwirth, MD, Chief Clinical Executive Atrium Health, Author of ‘Reframing Healthcare’.

The first integrative book of its kind

In her provocative and inspiring book, Dr. Voelter weaves the fabric of health care: the interconnectivity of the five main decision makers – patients, pharma, payers, policy, providers – and how we can learn and understand the challenges ahead. More importantly, what we need to do to switch our incentive structure and how we can learn to offer a customer-focused solution. 

Her deep understanding of the health care industry – both from the perspective of an oncologist & pharmaceutical industry leader – offers unparalleled insights into the complexities of the problems we face, yet at the same time, it offers practical solutions. This is the first integrative book of its kind and will likely be a standard in the field.

Maciej Lesniak, MD, Professor and Chair, Department of Neurological Surgery, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

A must-read for anybody who's involved in health care

As a patient since many decades, I thoroughly and warmly welcome Dr Voelter’s insightful and visionary drive for a much-needed reform in health care. She outlines what’s needed for the future: moving from reactivity to proactivity through collaboration, trust, empowerment. The book delivers tangible advice – backed by both science and personal experience – making it a must-read for anyone who is involved in health care in any capacity. Let’s dance!

Hanna Boëthius, Diabetes Patient Expert and Founder at the Low Carb Universe

Audio Book

Listen to an
extract here !

Audio Book extract: Preface

by Verena Voelter | Tango for Five


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